How To Be Rich Through Gambling

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Start setting short-term goals (every 30–90 days), track your progress, count your wins, recover, reset, and start again. When you have a big vision, you don't need to make HUGE progress every day. Looking for ways you can make money right now? If things are tight and your back is up against the wall, there's a path forward. In fact, there are many. Especially when it comes to generating.

  1. How To Be Rich Through Gambling Losses
  2. How To Be Rich Through Gambling Addiction
  3. How To Be Rich Through Sports Betting
  4. How To Be Rich Through Gambling Money
  5. How To Get Rich Through Gambling
  6. How To Be Rich Through Gambling Winnings

Q: Have you ever heard any successful and rich person by spread trading?

A: This question was responded by an experienced trader whom I have full respect for -:
Actually, yes I do..quite a few, and some are SERIOUSLY rich! One person in particular..
She started with £2k and over a period of 2 years nearly lost it and just about came out flat.. then she made a few hard decisions, mostly about honesty with herself and discipline.. she currently makes about £1- £2k a day and its a bad day is when its only £500. She trades just a few stocks and very rarely holds overnight.
I also know of people who have worked on the inside for years. They all say similar things. They do have massively successful clients who make seven figure tax free sums most years. This IS NOT done via scalping but by either position or swing trading. Some clients hold positions for two years!
Although I'm not rich I do quite nicely on the whole spreadbetting and that's just little old self taught me. Just because people don't make the hall of fame does not mean they have not made a lot of money trading be it spreadbetting, cfd trading, warrants whatever..

This is not to say that spread betting is a way for easy riches; it is a known fact that the majority of spread traders fail. At a GFT trading seminar we attended we were informed that it could take up to two years before you start consistently making money spread betting.

Q. Is it possible to turn £10,000 pounds into £100,000 pounds in 1 year?

A: It is quite possible to turn £10,000 into £100,000 via spread betting but the odds are against you. You'd just have to be very lucky.. Being this lucky, in my experience, wouldn't really do you any good. First of all, to have any chances of making it you would have to take really serious risks with leverage! Even if you somehow manage to turn £10,000 into £100,000 that amounts to an astounding 900% return on investment. By year end when you have your £100,000 you would start thinking why not turn £100,000 into £1,000,000 by the next year. Problem is that if you had been so lucky to achieve a 900% return what's the chance at being this lucky again? Chances are that one day your luck would run dry and you'd get trunked or struck by heavy losses - and you'd end up losing your capital and more..

Here's a trading system you could utilise if you are just about starting out and have £10,000 of available capital you are willing to risk (lose) -:
Most of the times I recommend only starting with £1000 after some months of successful demo spread betting. If you end up ahead after your first month of trading with real money, then simply add another £1000 to your trading account. If your second month is also successful, then add another £1000 for the next month. In this way you are proving (to yourself) that you are indeed successful before risking all of your hard earned cash.
If by any chance you end up losing all your money in a particular month, then you stop trading for the month. Do not deposit any more funds to your trading account until the following month and then retrace your steps and learn from your trading experience. As I said, you do not need big amounts of money to make it worthwhile. Say you are earning 8-10% per month and letting it compound. You take out 50% of your earnings each month to reward yourself and let the rest ride.
If you are starting with £10,000, then that would give you £400 each month the first year. The second year you would be starting with £16,000 in your trading account giving you £640 per month in earnings. etc. True, it's not a full-time income yet, but within 6 years you would be up to over £4000 per month and your trading account has increased to over £100k. After 10 years, your income would be over £27,000 per month.
The important thing is to be patient and not avoid getting greedy. Greed and the rush for riches is rookie thinking.

Q. Is it possible to become a millionaire spread betting?

A: Well, apart from the owners that run spread betting companies themselves , it is a fact that large fortunes can be made or lost from spread betting. It is documented that George Soros made almost $2 billion shorting the pound in September 1992 after betting almost all his wealth (however, in practice his profits amounted to some 10% since he risked a lot of his money on the punt). This episode earned him the unofficial title of the 'the man who broke the Bank of England' as the pound had to be devalued and withdrawn from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.
But who exactly is George Soros?
George Soros is one of the living legends of financial investments. Today, his fortune runs into billions of dollars. His flagship is the Quantum fund and its various offshore offshoots.
George Soros was born on the 12th August 1930 in Hungary. He migrated to U.K. at the age of 17, and graduated from the London School of Economics. It was here that he became acquainted with the works of philosopher Karl Popper who had a profound impact on his thinking. He migrated to the U.S. in 1956, and started his own international investment fund – the Soros Fund Management LLC.
Soros actively invests a big portion of his assets in currencies and index-linked derivatives - but never for long. He flits in and out of these instruments incessantly, rarely holding a position for more than a few days. Soros is well-known for his generosity and started his philanthropist activities in 1979 when he provided fundis to help black students attend the University of Cape Town in South Africa.
A network of 20 foundations across Central and Eastern Europe organized most of Soros' philanthropic activity. The first was opened in Hungary in 1984. He pledged $100 million to support scientific research in the Commonwealth of Independent States last year, donated $50 million to Bosnia and financed a $25 million revolving loan to buy heating oil that helped Macedonia survive the winter. Soros has also authored eight books on various subjects.
Vince Stanzione is another well-known persona who raked in profits for more than £2 million spread betting commodities. However, a failed punt on the shares of HBOS cost Mike Ashley, an English millionaire retail entrepreneur some £300 million. This was when Mika Ashley opened a huge long position on HBOS expecting them to recover when in actual fact they kept going lower before finally being taken over by Lloyds TSB.
Another popular commentator and trader in the City, Simon Cawkwell, a trained accountant better known as 'Evil Knievil' made over a million-pound profit shorting Northern Rock in 2008. Now in his sixties, Evil Knievil established himself as a bear raider when he successfully shorted Maxwell Communication Corporation and Polly Peck International, two companies which went bust in the early 1990s.

I just wanted to share this great comic..
I always try to keep it in mind when trying to set take profit too far.
Not to mention it can be useful for those thinking about making millions in one month with a 5k account ;)
Also a picture about life and happiness. Hope you enjoy it.
Of course they also say that if you aim for the stars you might reach the moon..

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The content of this site is copyright 2016 Financial Spread Betting Ltd. Please contact us if you wish to reproduce any of it.

There's a reason that the popularity of sports betting has exploded in recent years. In fact, did you know that during the last recession, the gambling industry relentlessly continued to grow? That's because, in times of desperation, many people try their luck and think of ways that they can turn their hard earned money into…well, even more money. But can you make money from sports betting?

Everyone is attracted by the thought of making easy money. When you're slaving away in your 9-5, struggling to make ends meet, it's only natural.

But the truth is this. Making money from sports betting is HARD. Very hard. But if you're serious about becoming better at sports betting, this article will help.

How to make money from sports betting

Skills and Attributes

One thing that you must understand when you start sports betting is this. It's got very little to do with how good you are at predicting individual events.

You're going head to head with the bookmaker. You're going to war with them, so you better be prepared.

The biggest bookmakers employ hundreds of smart people to enhance their profits. They obviously make their profits from you losing. See the problem here?

Mathematicians, programmers, sports experts.; They create tools that accurately predict the probability of a whole host of events.


A strong ability with numbers is probably the number one skill you need to bet successfully. Surprised that it isn't sports knowledge?

As I said, betting is about probability. You have to be able to compete with the statistical models churned out by teams of betting experts. The key is to find value and spot where the bookmaker has priced something incorrectly.

Sports Knowledge

To be honest, sports knowledge isn't a prerequisite to being successful at sports betting. In can, in fact, get in the way. Your opinions can go against what the numbers are telling you.

But it does help to have a knowledge of how sport works. A passion and interest in it is also helpful, because you're going to be watching it an awful lot if you want to gain an advantage over the bookie!


Successful sports betting is hard work. It's not about watching a game with your friends and opening up your betting app and placing a bet.

Successful gamblers spend hours or days planning a bet. They study the numbers and news in the minutest of details.

This is why most people aren't even remotely successful with betting. They see sports betting as easy money and aren't willing to put in the hard work.


Gambling is a very emotive process. The highs and lows when you win money are some of the most compelling motivators around. It's one of the reasons that people become addicted to gambling. They don't bet to make money anymore. They gamble to chase those emotions.

Having discipline over your emotions and your money is vital.


So you may have been getting the feeling so far that this isn't going to be easy. You'd be right. But it isn't impossible. Before you start placing bets, there's some prep you need to do.


To get off to a good start, you must put your bankroll aside. Place it in a separate bank account. Then write it off in your mind, because you may NEVER see that money again.

Staking Plan

The only way to take advantage of incorrect prices is by having a sensible staking plan. The goal is for long term profit, and to do that; your stakes must be consistent.

This means only betting between 2% & 5% of your bank. The percentage you choose to place on the bet varies depending on your confidence.

What & When

Sports betting is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Yes, that's right, you can even bet on Christmas day! Once you're done with the present-opening, Bucks Fizz-drinking and cracker-pulling, obviously…

It's for this reason that you need to get clear on what you're betting on and when. You need to set strict rules for yourself so that you can ensure you stick to them when your reasoning goes out of the window and your emotions are telling you to bet.

You also need to get clear on exactly what your strengths are. Where can you find the edge? Which sport? Which markets?

Don't become a jack of all trades. The only way to get an edge over the huge teams the bookmakers employ is to become a specialist in one sport, perhaps one competition, and just a few markets.


You need to think carefully about what strategies you bet on, and how you're going to apply them to the markets you have chosen to focus on.

These strategies will further enhance the rules you put in place, and you must stick to them, otherwise you risk losing your edge.


To be successful, your mindset is crucial. It isn't an easy fix, and it's something you need to change over time.

Berkeley castle red hot poker tournament. Here are a few things that you need to train your mind to accept if you actually want to make money:

Don't Chase Losses

This is perhaps the most difficult thing to master when sports betting. Why? Because money is linked deeply with your emotions.

Money is the thing that your brain links to a lot of the core emotions that drive every human on earth, like fear. Fear is obviously your body's natural emotion to help you survive.

So when you grab that money and place it on a horse, your brain isn't thinking 'Oh, I'm throwing some spare cash on this horse for fun!'. It's thinking 'Danger! Money = Food = Life or Death.'

That's why the emotions behind your gambling can be so intense. It's why some people feel physically sick when they lose a bet.

It's also for that reason that people decide to chase losses. That's why sports betting is so difficult to do in an unemotional and detached way. You are fighting the natural instincts that have been built into humans over hundreds of thousands of years!

Slow & Steady Wins The Race

The natural instinct of many people is to try and hit the jackpot every time. That is why accumulators are one of the most popular bet choices in sports betting – particularly football accumulators.

It's important to get into the mindset of being happy with small gains. Forget the get-rich-quick mindset; This is all about small, incremental profits over a long period.

There may even be long periods of time when you go without profit. This is when you need to have faith in your sports betting strategy.

Texas Hold'em Winning Poker Hands Ranking. In this guide, you'll see that there are a total of 10 hands in Texas Hold'em poker (or 9 if you don't count ‘no pair' as a hand), and we'll detail these below. (The winning poker hands chart below shows a list of poker hands, ranked best, to worst). Texas hold 'em poker winning hands. The sequence of winning hands in poker is the single most important thing to know and memorise. Otherwise how will you know if you are winning the hand or on the losing end? This is important to understand if you want to make money in the casino or the reach the final table in a tournament.

Winning poker hands are more about how you play them than the numbers. Take, for example, the poker percentages of AK, one of the few extremely powerful hands in Texas Hold'em. Technically, it wins less than a middle pocket pair like 7-7. A hand of poker can be won in two ways: either by betting and forcing your opponents to fold or by having the best poker hand at showdown. Poker hands consist of the best five-card hand made up from any combination of the cards you are dealt and the community cards. For your reference we have organized poker hands by strength so that you are never wondering who is the winner of any poker hand at the table. Note that the poker games Pot Limit Omaha and Texas Hold'em both share the same hand rankings format. Poker Hand Rankings Guide. Does a straight beat a flush? Does 2 pair beat a set?

You Won't Win Every Bet

You need to come to terms with the fact that you won't win every bet. Far from it in fact.

How To Be Rich Through Gambling Losses

It's all about the long term process and gaining a few % of profit. That's why your numbers need to be planned to precision from the outset.

It takes a lot of nerve to go on long losing runs. But they will come, and before you start, you have to decide whether you can ride them out.

General advice

You should, by now have got the impression that sports betting successfully is difficult. Very difficult!

Bookmakers closing accounts

We need to tell you that, unfortunately, the game is rigged. Once you start to be successful with sports betting, the bookmakers will show you the door.

They have developed sophisticated algorithms that rate every player based on their win rate, how sensibly they stake. They have a rating for every single customer.

Read our post on account restrictions.

The second that you start to show that you aren't going to be good for business, then the bookmakers will dramatically lower your stakes. We're talking about maximum bets of £1.

Be Sensible

It takes a special kind of person to be successful with sports betting. You must show unwavering positivity throughout.

You are going head-to-head with multi-million pound businesses on your own, and when the inevitable losses follow you will doubt yourself. That doubt is incredibly difficult to let go of.

But it's natural, and you have to know when to quit. Millions of people know that they should quit betting, but they fail to and end up developing a problem.

Or, you could just turn the table on the bookies and stack the odds in your favour for once…

Guaranteed Profit

How to be rich through gambling losses
Winning poker hands are more about how you play them than the numbers. Take, for example, the poker percentages of AK, one of the few extremely powerful hands in Texas Hold'em. Technically, it wins less than a middle pocket pair like 7-7. A hand of poker can be won in two ways: either by betting and forcing your opponents to fold or by having the best poker hand at showdown. Poker hands consist of the best five-card hand made up from any combination of the cards you are dealt and the community cards. For your reference we have organized poker hands by strength so that you are never wondering who is the winner of any poker hand at the table. Note that the poker games Pot Limit Omaha and Texas Hold'em both share the same hand rankings format. Poker Hand Rankings Guide. Does a straight beat a flush? Does 2 pair beat a set?

You Won't Win Every Bet

You need to come to terms with the fact that you won't win every bet. Far from it in fact.

How To Be Rich Through Gambling Losses

It's all about the long term process and gaining a few % of profit. That's why your numbers need to be planned to precision from the outset.

It takes a lot of nerve to go on long losing runs. But they will come, and before you start, you have to decide whether you can ride them out.

General advice

You should, by now have got the impression that sports betting successfully is difficult. Very difficult!

Bookmakers closing accounts

We need to tell you that, unfortunately, the game is rigged. Once you start to be successful with sports betting, the bookmakers will show you the door.

They have developed sophisticated algorithms that rate every player based on their win rate, how sensibly they stake. They have a rating for every single customer.

Read our post on account restrictions.

The second that you start to show that you aren't going to be good for business, then the bookmakers will dramatically lower your stakes. We're talking about maximum bets of £1.

Be Sensible

It takes a special kind of person to be successful with sports betting. You must show unwavering positivity throughout.

You are going head-to-head with multi-million pound businesses on your own, and when the inevitable losses follow you will doubt yourself. That doubt is incredibly difficult to let go of.

But it's natural, and you have to know when to quit. Millions of people know that they should quit betting, but they fail to and end up developing a problem.

Or, you could just turn the table on the bookies and stack the odds in your favour for once…

Guaranteed Profit

How To Be Rich Through Gambling Addiction

How many times have you heard the sentence 'you'll never beat the bookies'? Probably lots. And for good reason. It's very difficult to do so with sports betting as the odds are stacked in the bookie's favour.

But there is a way to completely turn that on its head and stack the odds in your favour for once.


It's called matched betting and it's a method that is now being used by millions who've realised that it's incredibly hard to win with sports betting alone.

The great thing is, you don't have to be good at betting. You don't even have to have placed a bet before.

Whether you have experience with betting or not, you will have seen the free bets that bookmakers advertise on the TV.

This is their way of luring potential customers. The industry is so competitive, with hundreds of bookmakers. So they need a way to hook customers into signing up for their service.

Unfortunately, there are stipulations attached to these free bets, and customers usually lose money when they sign up. Before you are allowed to withdraw the free bet, you must wager it 5x. This makes profit extremely difficult.

This is where matched betting comes to the rescue! Matched betting allows you to bypass these terms and conditions and extract that free bet. You can take that money straight from your bookmaker to your bank account with ease.

Because of the huge number of bookmakers, there is literally thousands of pounds worth of free bets. This is so much more lucrative than sports betting, and it is for that reason that the bookmakers are scared.

You see, it's completely legal, and there isn't much they can do to stop it. Find out more in our ‘Is matched betting legal?‘ post. Millions of people from all walks of life are now taking this path and have quit sports betting.

How To Be Rich Through Sports Betting

Want to give it a go?

The great bit about that is that one service has laid it all out for you. No hours wasted frustratingly searching through Google looking for answers.

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How To Be Rich Through Gambling Money

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How To Get Rich Through Gambling

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How To Be Rich Through Gambling Winnings

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About the author:

Wondering how to make money from matched betting once you run out of ‘welcome' offers? Ian's here to document his journey on life after sign ups.

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